These poems are compositions I wrote since high school. Mostly are from my own experience. To tell you something about myself, I treat poems and songs as vents to my pent up emotions. It may be extremely corny to you for you may think it's really funny how I do a melodramatic poem while in a heartbroken state, but rest assured that not only you think that, for I freak myself out sometimes. Especially at times when my cheeks are tear-streaked and I go on writing sulkily. Be amused, or laugh if you want... believe me, I've done my part in laughing at myself (Of course, only after I've gotten over the experience I'm writing about. Ain't that delusional yet). But whatever your initial reaction may be, feel free to browse within the boundaries of my personal creations. Criticize, compliment, do as you may. This is a part of my past... the foundation of who I am now. A window to who I was, before I became ME.

Friday, May 6, 2011



The moon, when we look at it may seem dull, unlike the sun
'Coz daylight may represent joy, happiness and fun
While in nighttime, we may feel sad and subdued
For darkness is in every corner, it covers like a hood

But once we realize the moon's essence to our life
In our dark times, it lights us without a strife
When the sun, where our whole world revolves
Leaves us to the shadows, our joy just dissolves

The moon guides us with a soft and caring light
'Till a new day comes, it will wait for another night
Though at times, we tend to neglect its presence
We remain its center, its love never lessens

For the moon is patient and with ever-lasting devotion
Just like a MOTHER...

my heartfelt comparison.

Thursday, November 4, 2010



I see, I smell, I feel, I hear
I wake, I sleep, I dream so clear
But as I dream, I know it as you do
That a dream is a dream, it can never be true

But you can't blame me for loving the feeling
When I'm in the place where all things are gleaming
Compared to this place where what rules is cruelty
To this place I've known so much as reality

So please when I dream do not wake me up
For dreamland will end... beauty will stop